August 21, 2006

Point Lookout Lighthouse Newsletter #10


The August 5, 2006 Open House was a great success as over 100 visitors came to see the lighthouse! Among the visitors were descendants of Keeper William Yeatman: 

Kathleen Howe Handiboe and Rich Howe plus other family members. 


While the weather was quite warm, a nice breeze flowed throughout the lighthouse.  We had four greeters in the lighthouse: 


Sandra Sableski, who represents the Chesapeake Chapter of the U.S. Lighthouse Society, :



Sandra Sableski

Eunice Metivier Knott, who lived in the Point Lookout Lighthouse from 1939 to 1952.   She is the daughter of Keeper Herman Metivier. She brought many photos to share with lighthouse visitors of her years spent at Point Lookout Lighthouse.  See Eunice’s story at: 

Eunice Knott Interview


Eunice Metivier Knott, former resident.



Laura Berg, who lived in the Point Lookout Lighthouse from 1979 through 1981 and was the last resident of the lighthouse.  Laura brought her mother, Helen Bateman who frequently visited the lighthouse while Laura lived there and who has had several paranormal experiences.  Laura brought photos from 1979 to the present and talked about her life while living there and her frequent paranormal experiences.


Helen Bateman, Laura Berg's Mother


Laura also mentioned the plans for forming the Point Lookout Lighthouse Preservation Society. For further information, go to:

The Society’s goal is to preserve the history and the Point Lookout Lighthouse buildings for future generations. Specific efforts will be to restore the interior of the lighthouse, maintain the exterior (restored in 2003) and to restore and maintain the buoy and coal shed buildings. This non-profit organization will be teaming with the Department of Natural Resources in its’ endeavors.

 The next Open House will be on September 2, 2006.  Both Robert Hall and Laura Berg will be there to meet and greet!  See you there.



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